
Domaine Gros Frere et Soeur Echezeaux Grand Cru 2014

“依瑟索往往具有极佳的复杂度,几乎完美无瑕。凭借着优秀的酸度和极其细腻的单宁,依瑟索能够媲美李奇堡。最佳的依瑟索具备超凡的陈年潜力。”-亨利•贾叶(Henri Jayer)

作为Vosne Romanee村面积最大的特级园,Echezeaux因为面积大种植者众多,出产的酒款质量也是参差不齐,即有DRC的王者之作也有名不见经传的平庸出品。购买此园的酒,辨别优秀的酿酒名家也是至关重要,Domaine Gros Frere et Seour即是此地的旗舰大家之一。



Allen Meadows/Burghound评分: 91/100,2026+

“Here the wood treatment is more aggressive and it's enough to fight with the spicy and very ripe aromas of dark berry fruit liqueur-like scents. The exceptionally rich and overtly suave full-bodied flavors are also lush to the point of opulence before terminating in a lingering finish where notes of bitter cherry and wood arise. This isn't particularly well-detailed but like the Chaumes it is seductive.”




Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur Clos Vougeot Grand Cru Musigni 2014

Clos Vougeot伏旧园是夜丘面积最大的特级园,50.96公顷的园子由80多个生产商分割。这块庞大的特级园土壤极为复杂,地势和排水也不尽相同,再加上众多生产商水准参差不齐,因此酒款的表现也良莠不齐。Clos Vougeot接壤Musigny和Echezeaux的部分是此园最佳的位置。极富盛名的略地Le Musigni即位于此地,是Clos Vougeot品质最佳得地块之一。格罗兄妹酒庄的Clos Vougeot即来自于此。优质的风土加上名家优秀的酿酒技术,酒庄的此酒款可谓是Clos Vougeot的旗舰出品之一。



Allen Meadows/Burghound评分: 92/100,2022+

“A slightly fresher nose consists of softly spiced and earthy aromas of mostly red currant and dark pinot fruit that exhibits a hint of animale. There is a lovely texture to the equally well-concentrated but more precise broad-shouldered flavors that possess a relatively refined texture that also characterizes the mineral-inflected finale where the wood telegraphed by the nose reappears.”




Domaine Gros Frère et Soeur Richebourg Grand Cru 2014

Richebourg李其堡可谓是勃艮第的一块伟大的传奇特级田。Richebourg以无与伦比的香气和复杂饱满的酒体闻名于世,日本漫画神之水滴对它百花园般的香气描写尤其令人印象深刻。Richebourg与Musigny及Chambertin一起并称夜丘最优秀的三大非独占园,仅次于勃艮第王者DRC的独占园Romanee-Conti及La Tache之后。而已故酒神Henri Jayer所酿之Richebourg更是这世界上最具传奇色彩的葡萄酒,身价之高甚至超越DRC的Romanee-Conti。Domaine Gros Frere et Soeur在这块令人艳羡的卓越风土上拥有0.69公顷葡萄园,所产的Richebourg更是酒庄的旗舰和代表。



Allen Meadows/Burghound评分: 93/100,2026+

“Spicy black fruit liqueur like aromas are liberally laced with violet, sandalwood, Asian tea and dried rose petal. The opulent, suave and impressively rich large-scaled flavors possess good power and punch on the highly seductive mid-palate before concluding in a mineral-inflected finish where there is hint of acid tang. I suspect that the tanginess will subside relatively quickly as this seems quite ripe, indeed too much so to have too much acidity.”




     “葡萄酒是瓶中的诗。” 珍藏在每一瓶美酒瓶中的,是葡萄产地的明媚阳光和浪漫香气,优雅地吟唱着历史和文明,欢庆着艺术和生命。无论是声名显赫的世界名庄、品质卓越魅力独特的小众个性酒庄,亦或是其他高性价比优质佳酿,我们和您一起品鉴最纯粹的美酒,品味优雅、浪漫的人生。